Electric cars are becoming increasingly popular all over the world, and for good reason. They are environment-friendly, energy-efficient, cost-effective and quiet. However, one of the biggest concerns for electric car owners is how to charge their vehicles. Let's discover how you can charge your electric car in a private or public power station, and how to monitor the charging process through an app.

First, it's important to understand that electric car charging stations come in different types, including slow charging, fast charging, and ultra-fast charging. The type of charging station you use will depend on how long you intend to charge your electric car, and how far you need to travel.
If you are charging at home, you'll need to purchase a charging unit or a wallbox, which is an electric vehicle service equipment (EVSE) that is designed to safely and efficiently charge your vehicle. Make sure that the unit you purchase is compatible with your car and that it meets your charging needs.
One popular EVSE manufacturer is Sichuan Weiyu Electric Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Sichuan Injet Electric Co., LTD., which was founded in 2016. With 25 years of development experience and a strong technical team, Sichuan Weiyu Electric Co., Ltd. focuses on the manufacturing, development, and design of EVSE modules, including EV charging stations.
If you're charging in a private or public charging station, it's important to know the type of cable you need. The type of cable varies based on the charging standard your car requires. The main charging standards for electric cars are:
- CHAdeMO: This charging standard is used for rapid DC charging. CHAdeMO cables are a specialized type of cable that are thicker and heavier than other types of charging cables.
- CCS (Combined Charging System): CCS is used in Europe and is commonly found in newer models of electric cars. This standard allows charging through both AC and DC.
- Type 2: This is a standard charging cable and is the most commonly used charging standard in Europe.
If you're not sure which type of cable you need, you can contact your car manufacturer or a reputable charging station installer.
When it comes to monitoring the charging process, most electric car manufacturers offer a mobile app that allows you to remotely monitor the charging process, check the status of your vehicle's battery, track your vehicle's location, and control charging parameters, such as charge start and end time.
Enel X, a global leader in energy solutions, offers apps and software that help you monitor your electric car and increase your charging efficiency. Enel X provides charging stations and services that allow you to manage your charging sessions from your smartphone or tablet.
By using Enel X's JuiceNet app, you can immediately start or stop charging, monitor the power flow, and even see how much money you're saving on fuel costs. The app also allows you to customize charging schedules, and set reminders so that you can always stay on top of your charging schedule.
In conclusion, charging your electric car is easy and convenient, whether you're charging at home or in a public charging station. With the right charging unit or wallbox, a compatible cable, and a well-designed app, you can charge your vehicle quickly and with minimal hassle. If you're looking to purchase a reliable charging unit, consider Sichuan Weiyu Electric Co., Ltd., and for monitoring your charging process, an app like Enel X's JuiceNet is a great choice.